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Blending research and praxis to understand the history of plants.



A PhD student in the History of Science at Stanford University, I am fascinated by human-plant relationships. Focusing on Early Modern North American and European understandings of plants, my research explores indigenous and European understandings of the plant world as well as the overlapping concepts of science and aesthetics. 


A Masters thesis on Elizabeth Gwillim's botanizing in India in 1801-1807 covers the local and international networks available to an upper-middle class English woman, as well as the effects of the imperial project on botany.


Working with professors to provide small-classroom discussions that enrich and deepen student understanding of material. Meet with students to improve writing skills and understanding of historical events and discipline as a whole.

Public History

Looking to engage those outside the narrow parameters of the academy, I published a case study and produced a short series podcast inspired by aspects of thesis work on Elizabeth Gwillim.



For inquiries or collaborations, please

email cielhav [at]

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